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YOU'VE BEEN FRAMED! Frame My Photos The easiest way to turn your digital photos into fine art. GET STARTED.>
1. Upload Your Photo
Picking your favorite is the hard part!
2. Choose Size & Frame Style
Customize your art exactly how you want it.
3. Ships Fast & Free
Your new masterpiece is handcrafted just for you.
Get inspired with 10 popular framing ideas

Get inspired with 10 popular framing ideas

Not sure how to customize your photo art? From simple photo gifts to complete gallery walls, there are so many possibilities for turning your memories into art masterpieces! We’ve rounded up 10 easy and unique ideas for how to frame and display your custom photo art. Check them out on our blog!


What types of products do you offer for photos?
  1. Framed
    Framing pictures online? Now photo framing is easier than ever, with our huge selection of frames in every color and style.
  2. Canvas
    Whether you want to put your favorite print to canvas or are just trying to convert some photos to canvas, look no further.
  3. Wood Mount
    Upload a photo or choose a print from Art.com. We'll print it on UV-protected wood board.
  4. Framed Canvas
    Get our quality artist-grade canvas and finish it in a handcrafted wood frame with 9 curated styles to choose from.
How long does it take to receive my order?
Orders typically ship within 1-2 days, so you can expect it to get to you in about a week. As you're checking out, we'll give you our best estimate for when it will arrive. And once you place your order, we'll keep you informed every step of the way.
How do I upload my photos?
We'll prompt you to upload your photos after you select "Get Started" above. You can import saved photos directly from your device.
What resolution is required for my photos?
The following table is what we require as minimum DPI for each size to ensure the highest quality print, as any DPI lower will result in a blurry image. If you plan to crop your image within the Frame My Photos cropper, a higher DPI may be required.
Square Rectangle
Size DPI Minimum Size DPI Minimum
432x432 6x9" 432x378
576x576 8x12" 576x864
12x12" 864x864 10x15" 720x1080
20x20" 1440x1440 16x24" 1152x1728
24x24" 1728x1728 20x30" 1440x2160
30x30" 2160x2160 24x36" 1728x2594
What sizes do photo products come in?
We offer photo products in 1:1 (square), 2:3 (portrait), and 3:2 ratio (landscape). It depends on the product you're interested in, but our photo products range from 10"x15" up to 24"x36 framed.
Can I edit my photos?
We offer editing tools to let you crop, zoom, and rotate your photos so you get exactly what you want in view. These tools are available under your image, after you upload your photo.
What resolution do my photos need to be?
We recommend 72 dots per inch (dpi) in order to get the best results. Depending on the size of your file, we will limit the size you can print to ensure the art is not blurry.
What do I do if I'm having an issue uploading my photo?
We have team of experts ready to help. You can either connect with us via live chat, give us a call at 800-952-5592, or shoot email us at support@art.com.
Will you store my image so I can purchase the same image again?
We will save the image for 90 days for logged in users.
Do you provide filters?
We do not currently provide filters for artwork.
Where can I pull my images from?
For the desktop version of our site, you can import photos from your computer. For the mobile version of our site, you can import photos from your camera roll.
Can I mail in artwork?
We currently do not support mailing in artwork to be framed however we will be launching that feature later this year.
What if I need a large quantity of framed prints, like for gifting or for hotel or office spaces; how big of a bulk order can you handle?
We can handle projects of any size, from one piece to 10,000. Our scale and technology enable us to print and frame photos in bulk while producing high quality at the lowest prices. If your order is for business purpose or over about 10 pieces, please contact us at support@art.com or call 866-303-3780, and we'd be happy to assist you with your bulk photo printing and framing order.